List of error codes

0"No error"
70000"Unknown error" (increase the debug level to 5 and check the event log, to find the cause)
70001"Invalid credentials"
70002"Site privilege denied"
70003"Interface privilege denied"
70004"SOAP privilege denied"
70005"Room does not exist or is not resident"
70006"TelExtNo is not associated with a room"
70007"SessionID invalid or has timed out"
70008"Could not load movement data"
70009"Room does not exist"
70010"Period does not exist"
70011"does not exist or could not be loaded"
70012"OperatorCode does not exist in Site database for write operation"
70013"database I/O error"
70014"web service version"
70015"Account is locked"
70016"Account is expired"
70017"Account is not enabled"
70018"Site is not enabled"
70019"Maximum message size exceeded"
70020"CIM not enabled"
70090"Room Allocation Error"
70091"Specified BookRef is Already Allocated or Resident"
70092"Specifed RoomId is invalid"
70093"Specified BookRef is Checked Out or Cancelled"
70095"Room UnAllocate Error"
70096"Room Type/Rate Combination"
70097"A booking with multiple room types can not be altered"
70100"code cannot be used for external posting"
70101"Analysis code cannot be used for internal posting"
70102"Connect room object failure"
70103"Currency conversion failure"
70104"Current period failure"
70105"General database failure"
70106"Invalid analysis code"
70107"Invalid BookRef"
70108"Invalid charge plan"
70109"Invalid company account code"
70110"Invalid currency code"
70111"Invalid item or entry type"
70112"Invalid operator code"
70113"Invalid or missing shift"
70114"Invalid package code"
70115"Invalid payment code"
70116"product code"
70117"Invalid profile ref"
70118"Invalid quantity"
70119"Invalid RoomID"
70120"Invalid status"
70121"Invalid TaxRuleCode"
70125"Posting route calculation failure"
70126"Tax calculation failure"
70127"Time stamp failure"
70128"ProfileRef or AttributeCode specified"
70129"Invalid CompanyRef or AttributeCode specified"
70130"Interface not permitted to post to this reservation"
70150"Can't load period"
70151"Existing period still open"
70152"General IO Error"
70153"Period not open"
70154"Specified period type not enabled"
70200"Invalid ProfileRef"
70201"Invalid BookRef/RoomPickID specified"
70202"Invalid EventRef Specified"
70203"Invalid CRSRef Specified"
70204"Invalid LinkToType supplied"
70205"Invalid Feedback Type"
70206"Invalid Link To Ref Supplied"
70207"A Feed Back Type Must Be Set"
70208"A Description Must Be Set"
70209"Sales And Catering Module Is Not Active On The Current Site"
70210"CRS Reservations Module Is Not Active On The Current Site "
70250"A booking reference must be supplied for a cancellation to take place."
70251"The profile supplied does not match the one stored on the reservation."
70252"The Password supplied is incorrect, the reservation will not be cancelled."
70253"Cancellation Error: " + <ExceptionMessage>
70300"There is already a profile using this email address."
70301"An email address must be supplied to create a profile."
70302"The forename of the person must be entered"
70303"The surname of the person must be entered"
70304"Password must be supplied for security reasons."
70305"A Password must be complex."
70306"invalid email address."
70307"There is already a profile using this facebook ID."
70308"There is already a profile using this twitter ID."
70309"There has been a problem saving the profile"
70310"There is already a profile using this Student ID."
70311"Language is invalid or not currently supported"
70354"Invalid Profile Credentials"
70355"Duplicate Profiles Detected"
70400"valid booker Profile Ref must be specified"
70401"The Profile Ref specified is invalid"
70402"The Room Type specified is invalid"
70403"A Room Type must be specified"
70404"The Package Code specified is invalid"
70405"A Package Code must be specified"
70406"Card details incomplete"
70408"Unable to send confirmation email"
70409"The Product Code specified is invalid"
70410"No reservation can be found with the given details"
70411"Invalid Media Source Code"
70500"Could not Load Analysis Codes"
70550"Could not Load Payment Codes"
70600"Could not Load HouseKeeping Status Codes"
70650"Error retrieving complete room structure"
70660"Error retrieving room types"
70710"No Such Book Ref Room Ref"
70720"No Such Book Ref Room Ref Folio ID"
70730"No Such Company Profile Ref"
70740"No Such Profile Ref"
70800"Departure Date Mismatch " + <ExceptionMessage>
70810"Folio Balance Not Zero " + <ExceptionMessage>
70820"Folio Deposit Problem " + <ExceptionMessage>
70830"Com Profile Credit Limit Exceeded " + <ExceptionMessage>
70840"Com Profile On Hold " + <ExceptionMessage>
70850"Folio Ledger Transfer Problem " + <ExceptionMessage>
70860"General IO Error " + <ExceptionMessage>
70870"Hired Items Not Yet Returned " + <ExceptionMessage>
70880"Not Resident " + <ExceptionMessage>
70890"Unused Allowance Analysis Failure " + <ExceptionMessage>
70891"Specified Reservation is already resident"
70892"Arrival date not valid for operation"
70893"Departure date not valid for operation"
70894"Room occupied or not ready"
70895"No Room Allocated"
70899"Unknown Check in Error"
70900"pmsped_PaymentZPosting failed to post"
70910"pmsped_SalesZPosting failed to post"
70911"pmsped_PostZRead failed to post. The total value of sales does not match the total value of payments"
70912"One or more items failed to post"
71000"Company Ledger balance is not sufficient to cover all the transactions"
71010"There has been an error whilst loading the company details on the following account" + <ExceptionMessage>
71020"There has been an error whilst generating the company's financial information for the following account " + <ExceptionMessage>
71030"The company has no credit facilities"
71040"The company is on hold, no credit transfers will be allowed at this time"
71050"One or more of the Analysis Codes used on this ledger transfer are invalid"
71060"The following Analysis Code cannot be used on ledger transfers from external systems: " + <ExceptionMessage>
71070"The Company Ref entered is not unique " + <ExceptionMessage>
80000<ExceptionMessage> + " Validation Errors Occurred"
80001"Unknown Transaction Type (TxnType) of " + <ExceptionMessage>
80002"Unknown POS Feature (POSFeatures) of code " + <ExceptionMessage>
80002"Unknown FRecord type (FRecord) of " + <ExceptionMessage>
80010"The ICP WebService URL " + <URL> + " is unavailable. " + "Expected : " + <OKString> + ", Received : " + <ExceptionMessage>
80101"The request is missing one or more fields"
80102"One or more fields in the request contains invalid data"
80150"Error : General System Failure"
80151"Error : Request received, but server time-out occurred"
80152"Error : Request received, but server time-out occurred"
80202"Expired Card"
80231"Invalid account number"
80234"Merchant configuration problem"
80475"Card holder enrolled in payer authentication. Need user password"
80476"Card holder cannot be authenticated"
80501"Required Property Missing : " + <ExceptionMessage>
80502"Invalid Property : " + <ExceptionMessage>
80600<ExceptionMessage> + " Validation Errors Occurred"
90000"Unable to find a report with the name " + <ExceptionMessage>
90001"Unable to find a report with the name " + <ExceptionMessage>
91000"The maximum character length is 20."
91001"The maximum character length is 225."
91002"The new value must be a valid date."
91003"new value must be numeric."
91004"The new value must be 0 or 1."
91005"The new value must be in List."
91006"There is already a profile using this Loyalty ID."
91010"The surname must be entered"
91011"Invalid Email adress"
91012"Adults cannot be less than 0"
91013"Infants cannot be less than 0"
91014"Children cannot be less than 0"
91015"RoomTypeCode invalid for selected property"
91016"Arrival date cannot be in the past"
91017"Departure date cannot be before Arrival date"
91018"Site ID does not belong to the Group"
91019"If a Room Type is supplied then a Site ID must also be supplied"
91020"Arrival and Departure dates can't match"
91021"Invalid Booking Status"
91022"Invalid Room Type/Rate Combination"
91023"Room Unable To Be Unallocated"
91024"Rate Or Room Type Unavailable: " + <ExceptionMessage>
91025"Insufficient Availability"
91026"Booking Has Multiple Room Types"
91007"Invalid Profile Ref"
91008"The is already an account using that Student ID"
91009"Invalid Account Ref"
91027"Invalid Company Ref"
91028"An account with that reference already exists"
90129"Invalid Payment Type"
90130"Surname is mandatory"
90131"Email is mandatory"
90132"Delegates must be greater than or equal to zero"
90133"Start Date cannot be in the past"
90134"End Date cannot be before Start Date"
90135"Invalid email address"
90136"Adv C&B module must be enabled on this site to create a web enquiry"
90137"Invalid Bookref/RoomRef Specified"
90138"Invalid Folio ID"
90139"Invalid Microsite Name"
90140"Missing/Invalid ResDiary Reference"
90141"resDiary isn't enabled on this site"
90142"resDiary subscription has expired"
90149"resDiary Booking Already Linked"
90150"resDiary Configuration Issues"
90151"resDiary Booking Not Found"
90143"Invalid Bookref/RoomRef Specified"
90144"Invalid Folio ID"
90145"Invalid Zonal Site ID"
90146"Invalid Zonal Reference"
90147"Zonal Activity Management isn't enabled on this site"
90148"Zonal Activity Manegement subscription has expired"
90152"Invalid Zonal Booking"
90153"Zonal Booking Already Exists in Rezlynx"
90160"StartDate and EndDate are required"
90161"Event number of delegates is required"
90162"Event Profile Ref is required"
9016211"Event Type is required"
90163"Event market segment is required"
90164"Event media source code is required"
90165"Event name is required"
90166"Event status code is required"
90167"Event not found"
90168"You must have at least one booking for the Event to add deposit!"
90169"Event Ref is required"
90170"In order to add deposit a payment code is required."
90191"Invalid Event Ref"
90171"Function Booking Ref is required"
90172"Function Booking not found"
90173"Function Booking Name is required"
90174"Function Booking Type is required"
90175"Function Booking Status is required"
90176"Function Booking Start date and end date must be between start and end date of the event!"
90177"Function Booking number of delegates is required"
90180"Token and Token Source are required"
90181"Delegate Booking Ref is required"
90182"Delegate number of guests is required"
90183"Delegate Surname is required"
90184"Delegate Profile Ref is required"
90185"Room Pick Id is required"
90186"Folio Id is required"
90187"Deposit Pay Type is required"
90188"Deposit Amount value should be greater then zero"
90189"Token is required"
90190"Token Source is required"