Booking Status

Reservation booking status, as used by pmsbkg_BookingSearch, can be one of the following:

  • "PreArrival"
  • "Resident"
  • "Cancelled"
  • "CheckedOut"
  • "NoShow"

These should be interpreted as follows:

Booking statusDescription
PreArrivalGuests are yet to arrive, i.e. the guests have not physically checked-in yet, regardless of the arrival date on the reservation
ResidentGuests have physically checked-in and therefore are assumed to be resident in-property
CancelledThe reservation has been cancelled
CheckedOutGuests have physically checked-out (assuming they were previously checked-in) and therefore are assumed to be no longer resident
NoShowThis status implies that the guests did not show up, i.e. did not check-in on the expected day of arrival; the status will change from 'PreArrival' to 'NoShow' when the end-of-day process is run on the day of expected arrival (assuming that the PMS is configured for 'System Date')

Booking status codes

The booking statuses listed above are a simplified subset of the actual booking status codes supported by the PMS, which can include custom codes, custom text labels and custom behaviours for each site. The correspondence between booking status used in the API and booking status codes is as follows:

Booking statusBooking status codeDefault text label
PreArrival1 to 12(custom)